Free Consultation
with the first 1 hour treatment
Treatments £50 per hour
- Full Body Treatments
- Back Neck & Shoulders
- Hips & Legs
- Headache & Stress Relief
- Relief from Sports Injury
- Stretch Release Therapy
- Relief from general aches & pains
Available Treatments
Have the treatment which suits your needs.
You can target specific areas, e.g. shoulders, arms, back, neck, hips, legs or address 'after-ache', related to an exercise class or your training regime.
Likewise with general aches and pains resulting from work conditions, D.I.Y and gardening etc.
This integrated therapy combines massage with stretching to effectively target areas of injury to promote recovery, maintaining balance and strength to the muscles.
All too often a sports person will put up with aches and pains that go along with their personal training routine, which in turn can condition them to also put up with injuries.
No matter how small, this is largely considered to be unnecessary by most athletes of today who use massage as part of their training regime.
This therapy is also ideal for people who are trying to improve their range of movement.
Where is your pain?
Finding out and addressing the route causes of the pain will help to provide long term relief whilst at the same time paying attention to the immediate affected area(s).
'The therapy treatments at T.R.M ensure that your body gets treated as a whole and not as individual parts'

Back Pain
Although people aquire back pain in various ways, sudden trauma, degeneration of muscle or disc, in many cases it may be due to muscle imbalances within the body. This is not always directly in the back itself but may be traced to other areas like the hips and legs.

Neck Pain
Besides the immediate discomfort, neck pain may cause, nausea, head aches and generally make you feel tense and stressed. Direct and effective treatments will often lead to a pain free neck.

Shoulder Pain
This area is where a lot of people begin to carry their stress and strain. The phrase 'with the weight of the world on your shoulders' rings particularly true here. Treatments to the upper back and surrounding areas prove very effective in relieving pain here.

Hip / Leg Pain
Muscles which can cause pull and tilt in this area can be rebalanced, relaxed, and strengthened, taking pressure out of the lower back, along with relieving sciatic pain.
What are the benefits of massage?
Whether you are an active sports person, or someone with a hectic life style, our bodies endure a great deal, normally without much complaint, but there are times when we need to take time out, unwind and address those signals from our bodies that we've put on hold.
As well as being greatly beneficial for relief from aches and pains, massage will improve circulation and aid injury recovery time by prompting the body's self-healing mechanisms.
Massage also helps to remove toxins from the body, thus reducing pain and the onset or general feeling of fatigue, this in turn will promote a sense of well-being.
Regular treatment helps re-balance the bodies systems to maintain a healthy life style, detecting the minor problems can often prevent the major one's occurring.
About Lee
I have studied the function and movement of the body in-depth for over 30 years through, performing and teaching Karate, which currently I do as chief instructor for the British Karate Academy, Derby Karate Academy and formerly as head coach for the England Wado-Kai Karate Squad.
This appreciation of what our bodies endure during training activities, as well as in our daily working lives, you will find is reflected in my holistic approach to my therapy treatments.
Please note I am not available for treatments Fri-Sun.
What people say...

I.T.E.C International Therapy Examination Council

CTha Complimentary Therapy Association
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